Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Mr. Murphy's Memorial WEEK...

Hi Jimmy,

GEEZ! Could the week start out weirder? I decided to leave the interior of Apollo in peices so I could get the CD Player installed and the speakers re-wired. Now I COULD do this myself, but for 100 bucks I take it to a shop that has all the tools, the parts and supplies and its done in 30 minutes. Good deal!

THEN, the truck had an over-heating fit on the way home. I'm seeing Murphy over in the corner by now. I got a radiator and installed it, and it all runs cool as ice now (and the A/C is a LOT colder too...). While I was under the hood I pulled th cap and rotor..and low and behold its one of those crappy Ford ones with the aluminum posts in it. It was corroded all to hell, so in went the nice brass contact one I had picked up a few weeks ago. The truck purrs now, and doesn't feel nearly as bad in traffic.

One would think all was working out by now...BUT...during class I started on the right rear quater panel, taking out the dimpes and minor ripples. I noticed a bubbled part of the paint...and found bondo under it. The more I sanded, the more I found...until I had the paint off the entire rear portion! The bondo was over .5 inch thick in most places! What a butcher job! Seems I found proof today the entire truck has been painted before...and also had very bad bodywork done on it. I WILL set things right....

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Cracker Skylab: RIP

Hi Jimmy,

Back In Feb we took Cracker Skylab to Vegas for a big fencing competition. He appointed himself well with great milage and never missing a beat. Comfortable to boot.In the parking lot of one of the megaplaces we took a quick photo...which turned out to be the only good one I got of him before his wreck. (BASTARDS!!!). It's pretty easy to see how good a shape the truck was in...

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Evie's been Adopted!

Hi Jimmy,

Back in 1994 I got Evie, a brand new little Ford Escort. She is Calypso Green...which is a color that looks like it changes under differing lights. I took care of her and drove her a total of 261,000 miles. She had one issue during that whole time- and still runs like a charm....but...there isn't enough room for a wrecked truck, a truck that needs TLC, a Miata and a Jeep...(sigh...). She little Evie was offered for adoption.

My buddy Lou bought her for his son. Sam is quite cool, was once a fencing student but the call of the silver screen lured him away. NOW, however, he is getting into music and needs a car. LAST thing a musician needs is any sort of hot rod or custom car...too much damn time goes into keeping them running, and that don't even touch the money ity takes. I SWEAR 90% of the reason I never got anywhere with my own musical dreams was it was pissed away under a shadetree trying to fix the junker to make it back to work to get enough to fix the junker....I hope Evie is Sam's first step to making it....serve 'em both right! (I did tell Lou I'd probably buy her back if they want to get rid of her in a year or so when Sam is too cool for her...).

So it's been way to long since I updated here. I got Apollo running ok, and have Cracker 95% taken apart. I have to get the windows out and take off the doors and I am done. Hopefully this week.

I have taken a class at the local school for paint and body...might get to paint Apollo, but will fix all the minor crap for sure.

Oh well, The Girl is making floats now...gotta go! All this to turn 45 in a few hours.

Someday I AM!