Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ALL the candidates are MORONS!

It crosses ALL party lines at this point. There is NOBODY worth voting for. Those in politics never have the people's welfare in mind anyway, its all about power and influence and stuffing their own pockets with money.

The democrats seem to have gone crazy on taking away things like guns (?!?!?!), forgeting that this country exists because of them (right or wrong). Where does that leave folks interested in shooting sports (not even hunting?). or collecting? And just WHY does every useless damned illegal alien that crawls across the boder DESREVE(?!?!?) "rights"??? I've had them RUIN my life twice now, and never take responsibility for THAT! The democrats used to work towardss at east a little sharing of the wealth by the common man, now they bypass him and want to hand his efforts to criminals it seems.

The republicans are so stuck on making money by hosting wars they even turned off their subtle machine and just blatently do so. I don't a DAMN about "spreading democracy around the globe", and neither do they. I just admit it. I couldn't care less about Iraq, to hell with the place, let it fall into chaos and see whp comes out on top. Who knew it was possible to create a larger clusterfuck than ietnam?

Where is somebody the normal, everyday person who HAS to work a job can trust?

AND...I am sick of the everyday "experts" who flail their party flags and can't see the idiocy of their own parties. It no longer splits down party lines...they are ALL useless!

Where can one move to get away from it all?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Getting Too Tired to Care.....

First, I can never remember the password for the googl version of blogger,so I never seem to update anymore. I have tonsof photos to try and upload, but that will be when I get some time.

Life has just sucked, to tell the truth. Was supposed to get married yesterday, BUT, the future mother-in-law worked herself into sickness and ended up in a hospital inducd coma with all manner of illness. It remains to e seen if she will actually survive. I am betting she will, as she's not all that old and always seems pretty tough. Her siblings all seem to think otherwise. I hate people who get into a hospital room and commence with the loud crying and praying crap. Where's the respect? All from the same people who got in the middle of ourlong planned wedding and screwed it all up. Guess who WON'T be invitd to the rescheduled one under any circumstance?

My grades have begun to slip at school as a result of all the stress ( I had scored only 100 percent on tests until last week....). I hope I do ok on today's test, haven't had a moment to study. Off to school I go...maybe I can squeeze 5 minutes in....