Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Doing Nothing.

Finally got a computer set up correctly, and have done nothing but use a flight sim ever since. Too much work and not enough time to do it all.

Can't figure out why when I try and log into blogger it tells me I don't have the correct e-mail, or password or something....and then accepts it all the same on a later try. Weird.

Need to get to school and get a catalog for the genreal ed classes I will be needing this semester. I want to be done and working.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

How To Be Tired

90% of the stuff is moved from the old address to the new one. I have to clean out the second garage, but there is no room in the new there are dozens of boxes still in the new garage that have yet to be moved into the house.

The good news is that the washer and dryer are now ooked up and working. The dryer needed to be electric, and the outlet was in a weird place, so I had to make an extension cord of th proper size to place the dryer in the only place it fits. I had to get a ducting kit to vent it outside, and it appeared to be missing an important gasket. I managed to find it and get the ducting routed, the wiring done and the unit pushed in place. Of course, its 3:00 a.m., so I have no time to start running loads through the set-up. Oh well...tomorrow comes, I here anyway.

The fellow who lived next door at the old place had moved out to someplace else, but now is actually our old place. At least the place will have a decent person in it, and all the crap that never got fixed over all the years and owners HAS to be fixed now. I feel happy the place is getting a new lease on life. This means it is the LAST place on the property to be fixed up.

Took a short but decent ride on the new bike with the wife on hers. Went to the gym today instead of a ride, and my knees are hurting.Need to move slow in gettingback into shape, so I don't damage myself yet again. Found a blog from a fellow who has lost like 00 pounds so far and is shooting for like another 200 I think. He did most of it on a bike, and it inspires my tired ass to get busy. Once I start losing weight I'll have to send him a thanks for the blog...!

Sleep...oh yeah....good night.