Thursday, December 16, 2010


Time has always been a problem for me. Its had gaps and holes and peices of itself tossed around all out of order. Its not exactly Slaughterhouse Five, there is no living of major events out of order, its just snips and peices bouncing off each other.

A clue finally presented itself. Something got knocked loss on December 15, 1988 at 12:45 p.m..That explains the visions from before this date reaching into the future after it. It also has some bearing on visions from the present reflecting so strongly back to the past. These fragments of time are somehow like peices of a puzzle. Its not just simple memory, there is a tangibility that can be felt to each peice being glimpsed.

Therefore, there is some sort of matter present as a part of time itself. Matter and energy can be exchanged, and thats what is happening. Maybe.

These flashes get stronger and weaker, and have begun to fall into something of a cyclic pattern, as I recognize more and more peices as I see them.

If I look directly at them, perhaps they won't drive me mad.I have seen a peice of what is not supposed to be and am not equipped to explain.