Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hatin' On The Hobby Lobby

So far, all the people I know spewing hatred towards Hobby Lobby are the ones who have little to no understanding of business or insurance. They are also the ones who have happily worked their lives away for somebody else and complained about it the whole time....but would never in a million years consider going into business for themselves. They don't understand why HL is a corporation in the first place, much less what type and why. They seem to rant on about them being a business "for profit". So I guess its OK for all the non-profits they support to do as they damn well please....? Talk about a double standard.

What the haters don't understand is that EVERY company/ organization that is required to provide health insurance always picked and chose what they offered. The insurance company looks at their numbers and suggests a package that best covers their needs. I once knew an organization that was focused on AIDS, and almost everybody there was gay. They didn't offer ANY coverage for pregnancy...why was nobody freaking out about that? Of course, this very choice was removed by the ACA, which is what the lawsuit is about anyway. If it is personal convictions, working to save on the bottom line or whatever- it still should be up to the people spending the money to decide what they want to buy.

I bet if there was a Vegan Tax to help cattle farmers take better care of their herds the very same people would be just as deeply offended at having to pay it as the owners of HL are in this case.