Monday, December 18, 2017

Still No Break

Found a job a year and a half ago. Traveling and working myself into sickness only to have most of my work overturned and thrown out. Then yeah, I get blamed for a lack of results on stuff I disagreed with anyway. The bastard running the company hasn't paid anyone since fucking May. Last check was two weeks late to top it off. 90% of company has quit, and I am job searching again. The idiot took a week off to deal with a dying cat, lost all track of the process to pay us and cries that "nobody would understand..." about his cat. We get it. It's a fucking pet. It died. Get on with life. Yes I am angry and have lost faith in the company.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Google Destroyed Blogger

Back before FB, Blogger was a thriving and interesting place to be. You could connect with people world-wide and it was a blast. Now....the majority of features that made that possible are all gone as Google tries to turn everything into Twitter. They just don't understand that not everybody is 14 years old, sitting in class and trying to use their phones to pass notes to each other. So sad to see the smoking remains of a once great idea...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

2017 So Far

Just wondered if this blog was still up. Way back when I met and communicated with folks world wide as a result of it. Blogs somehow forced a better set of writing than FB does. Absolutely nobody remembers Blogs- since they got taken over by cats and baby pictures. Plus, you can no longer surf the most recently published or any of the other feeds for them. Boring.