Tuesday, August 06, 2019

All Dead


I had so much hope when I started this blog. It replaced another one because an idiot found it and thought posts on it were about them...and they weren't. I tried getting to my goals, but injury, pain and every god damn thing else got in the way. It's not the dream that dies last, it's the person who lost them all.

For five years I've been saying "I'm depressed." whenever I am asked what is wrong. 3 years ago when I got rear-ended at a stop light, the injuries really did a number on me. It took my fitness workouts away from me and I got fatter. So I tell doctors I am depressed about it. With this last wreck, EVERY one of the half a dozen doctors I am seeing has a 6 or longer page forms to fill out. On all of them I have marked "Yes" to the question asking if I am depressed. Nobody has said a thing. I don't need more pills, I need resolution to my never-ending pain and restoration of my wounded limbs. That doesn't seem likely. Who knows, I'll probably get hit by a busload of illegals brought in by the democrats for some promo event. Then when they search for all my on-line stuff they'll find this saying, "I don't feel good, I am depressed. Why won't anybody help me?" Note to news staff...highlight that last sentence.

If It Wasn't For Bad Luck.....

Back in December a moron blew through a stop sign and then slammed on brakes in front of me. I hit him broadside doing 45 mph and got hurt badly. The recovery is going poorly, as I now have four herniated discs in my neck and back. The pain is more than when I broke my neck in 1988. I have lost my beloved Miata that carried me through so many of the best things I had in life, and I feel lost. Had job interviews in the works and lost all that. A year without pay still owed to me.

I contacted every law enforcement agency from The State Department down to local Sheriffs and NOBODY would investigate the foreign criminal we all worked for. His anti-American rants an what I found n line about him convinced me he is involved in money laundering for somebody and probably terrorists. But still nothing. Lawyers won't take the case to sue him, LE will do nothing. I can see no reason I should be expected to follow any laws for myself. This country is dead and gone.

Facebook has become almost unusable, and a few friends have gone to Mewe in hopes of avoiding all the "Algorithms" of the other platforms.

I may not be alive long enough to post in a year or so like I have been doing.