Friday, September 02, 2022

MIA and What?

 So many things have been destroyed by the internet. many of those things had benefits far past what is now available as a result of their demise. Among them:

The entire recording industry. Napster destroyed the method of finding, growing and selling new music. All because rich college students thought "Music should be free!". The software the founder of Napster writes and sells now SHOULD BE FREE.

Shortwave Radio- 99% of the English broadcast worldwide is gone. With it, the spectrum of programs and news broadcasts that reached beyond an amount limited to local coverage. Now, internet shits out endless repeats of old news. Tred of seeing stories about incidents 80 years ago when I want to know why my county has been on fire for the last three days.

Periodicals/ magazines- they were forced to research and come up with never ending information to survive. 90% of the magazines I LOVED are all long gone. The knowledge and interaction with other readers has vanished, as the tribal knowledge for interests has dried up and gone away if t conflicts with some moderator on line.

News- No longer able to hear stories worldwide, and limited to whatever the pro media decides to sell and resell us. Why no stories of the White Farmers of South Africa being slaughtered in their homes? And god knows what else.

Can't think of anything else and need to water plants.

Fuck it.

Monday, August 29, 2022

I Piss Everybody Off

 Before it became this fancy world of "Social Media", people could laugh, argue and poke fun at each other on line. Now everybody has "Monitized", become an "Influencer" and turned into the biggest generation of thing skinned pussies in history.

I couldn't give a rat's ass what somebody else's "Gender" is. Or who they hump, or what they hump. Don't care which gods they follow or don't, what car they drive or anything else. Well, except computers. Those Apple/ Mac pansies blow ass.

Probably getting the Ban on at least two big social media sites as I type for saying, "No you don't." to more fragile little twats. I piss everybody off. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Oh, The Title Goes Up Here Now...

    Never-ending change on Blogger. It used to be so much fun to type in a subject or name on th Blogger search bar and have it take you though a never ending stream of blogs along those subjects. Now, even if you know the name of the blog, you can't find it. Some contacts I never met, but had enough interaction with to wonder how they are doing these days.

There was a fellow badly out of shape that took up cycling and got healthy again. Reading his posts kept me going on days of harsh pain. Then he got married. To some woman who already had a mess of kids, and pretty quickly vanished from his Blog. I hope he's OK, but last post I saw he had stopped cycling and gained around 40 pounds as a result.

There was a young woman in Iraq posting about her day to day life. Somebody published her blog as a book and we never heard about her again. I wonder if she got a dime for all her painful and heartfelt writing? Whatever happened to Riverbend?

Her friends had gone viral, one of which came to the US and kept his blog, the pivot person between them disappeared, and was probably killed. The remaning one since has vanished too. Salman Px, still missing?

There was a young woman in Japan of some sort of mixed heritage. She really didn't fit in, but seemed intelligent and nice enough. Her mother was going mad and I think moved in with her. It ruined her life, poor thing. She met somebody on Blogger, had a long distance realtionship and finally met them. Soon after she got ghosted painfully. The drinking had started up again. One prays that Drunken Wench rambler is OK out there somewhere.

Another fellow shaved his balls. He was stuck in life and started school to fly helicopters for a living. Part way through he met a girl, who was kinky. School seemed to have taken a back seat and he fell behind. Just when both of them got on track as a couple, the school with all his records went under and vanished. His submissive kitty was trying to help, but his slice of life blog posts went away.

Blogger allowed no censorship, and became a place to communicate, althought they did their best to prevent exchange of e-mail contact that cut them out of the loop. 

Oh well, I hope all of y'all are OK out there......

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Yet Again

 So I drop by Blogger to check on something on it and find I can no long go to a mode where I see the blog as the rest of the world does. I can pick one post for a "Preview", but not scroll through the whole thing. Where do the morons changing things come from? I hope they drown under their college loan debt.