So many things have been destroyed by the internet. many of those things had benefits far past what is now available as a result of their demise. Among them:
The entire recording industry. Napster destroyed the method of finding, growing and selling new music. All because rich college students thought "Music should be free!". The software the founder of Napster writes and sells now SHOULD BE FREE.
Shortwave Radio- 99% of the English broadcast worldwide is gone. With it, the spectrum of programs and news broadcasts that reached beyond an amount limited to local coverage. Now, internet shits out endless repeats of old news. Tred of seeing stories about incidents 80 years ago when I want to know why my county has been on fire for the last three days.
Periodicals/ magazines- they were forced to research and come up with never ending information to survive. 90% of the magazines I LOVED are all long gone. The knowledge and interaction with other readers has vanished, as the tribal knowledge for interests has dried up and gone away if t conflicts with some moderator on line.
News- No longer able to hear stories worldwide, and limited to whatever the pro media decides to sell and resell us. Why no stories of the White Farmers of South Africa being slaughtered in their homes? And god knows what else.
Can't think of anything else and need to water plants.
Fuck it.