I finally put my finger directly on the issue. From day one that Obama ran for office, he has been spouting off about his notion that in the USA there is a "Need For Fundamental Change".
He couldn't be more wrong. He is the exact model of every moron manager that destroys companies I have ever worked for. To explain:
Back in the early 80's, the Cool Kids all decided that since they were going to college, they were better than everyone else. They touted themselves as Yuppies and looked down their noses at everybody else. Since 95% of them had no real skills or interests, most of them ended up with expensive degrees in "Business Management". When it came time to pay back their student loans, they descended in force on the USA that had been built over the centuries. Some of you may remember the place: It was built by a little fellow called "The Working Man".
That Working Man started with less than nothing and went to work. He learned skills along the way and did better and better for himself as a result. The country soared on the wings of his Blood, Sweat and Tears. There was no challenge he wasn't best at. There was nothing he couldn't do. He built a place to be envied around the world.
Then came the Unwashed Hordes Of College Educated Morons. Instead of working someplace and gaining an understanding of how that business or industry functioned, they were drunk for 85% of their college years. They threw "Toga Parties". They joined Frats and got drunk again. They broke laws and Daddy's money always bailed them out. The only thing they learned how to do was point the finger at somebody else for what they did wrong. They lived and cheered the weird theories they learned in school. Things taught to them by professors who couldn't change a spark plug if they tried. Since they had no idea what a spark plug was in the first place. Sure, they knew about Modernism and Somebody's Razor...but nothing steeped in fact.
The USA opened the doors to industry to them, because they often were the sons and daughters of the owners of the companies. The FIRST thing a BAD MANAGER does is to declare that, "Everything needs to be changed...!". The worst managers walk into a job and start firing people and changing how things are done. They create a chaos that destroys companies. That's OK, they can always move on to another company with their degree.
The BEST managers walk in and observe what is going on. Then, based on experience (not some damn theory) they adjust and massage the existing system into being more organized and efficient. They understand that a company or a country grew and survived for years before they arrived. They realize that a whole bunch of things must be right with it, not wrong with it. The self-centered jackass with a degree cares only about himself. If their changes destroy the company, its somebody else's fault already.
The USA has never had a need for a sweeping "Fundamental Change", It has a need for good insight and stewardship of what it already is. It needs a tweak here and there, a polish on this or that and nothing more. To think otherwise is the mark of an idiot or moron. Or perhaps a college grad who has never worked an actual day's work in their life.
It is an insult to the generations of Workers and people that forged this country to declare they did it all wrong and it must be changed. Only a moron would believe that in the first place. Or a self-centered idiot with no real world job experience in the first place.