Thursday, September 19, 2024

Russia Isn't The Problem

So sick of Leftists endlessly pointing fingers at and howling about "RUSSIA!". They're playing to 60 year old fears that they've grown and kept fresh for their own use.

Russia, if anything, is one of our best allies. Sure, Theye'd like a piece of our pie, but they don't want the whole thing. We share too many things in common with them for them to wish for our destruction. Overall, the countries share something of a Christian religion base. Both are struggling with immigrant hordes that do nothing but take and disrespect the country's heritages. Both spend far more money on outside countries than is worth the return on investment. Both share roughly the same moral values. Sure, they disagree on government, but in the end the US has it's politicians raping the resources and the Russians have Oligarchs. They are the same segment of society. 

The REAL enemy of the US is CHINA. They own most of the corrupt politicians, too much land and IP and anything else they can snake their ways into. They openly say they want the US gone, and tell the US what to do. The Pant Crapper in the White House wobbles and does whatever they say to enrich his family. I'd love to see China actually take over, because of day one they'll round up everybody and their families they have been paying and slaughter them all. Why keep paying when you eliminate the bill?

China is eating the US alive. Our "way of life" is already dead, and nobody wants to admit it. I still regret not following up after my friend was murdered who was setting up for us to immigrate to another country. I guess I'm supposed to be happy the people that murdered him didn't include me. But that's a government for you.....

Thursday, August 29, 2024

More Whining and Predictions

 This blog started in one place and has struggled through a number of them. The original intent failed like so much else. Then Blogger got sold to Goolge, who improved it out of functionality and into tenth place after Facebook. What a shame. I preferred it to the pen endless bitching of FB. Blogger had fewer users but better ones.

So I sit today dying faster than before. Struggling with cancer and emotions. I'll ask myself questions as I like here I guess. Nobody else will ever see them as a result.

If all you've got are memories, what happens when your memory starts to fade? Memories matter only to your generation anymore, so it's not like anyone a moment after your death will ever care to hear or read them. In the past, reading provided profound learning, enjoyment and comfort. Now TikTok videos remove all need for that. OMG! I figured out how to paint something white with flat paint, I'm so creative and such an individual! 

BTW- I am always about ten years too early for my observations. Never fails I get laughed at and told I don't know what I am talking about, until it come to pass and everyone wants to forget what I was saying. So here's the latest: The USA is dead and gone. Instead of wasting tax money and lives worldwide to prevent the way of life from being lost by fighting foreign wars, we lost the country anyway. Colleges got deferrals during Vietnam because it was thought that class of education was lacking. Now people can't put air in their own tires, much less change one. The best way to save this country is an all out world war with a draft. Give deferrals to the workers that know how to fix, build and run things, while the management hordes from colleges go take their turn dying for their beliefs. 

But it's too late anyway. I haven't got very long left anyway. I wish it didn't upset me so much. I need to forget the past to try and enjoy the very short future. 

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Knock Knock. Nobody's here.

 Yep. Another year, stage four cancer, starvation and lost 115 pounds, and still the once wonderful Blogger is ruined. Software writers are fucking morons.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Joe McCarthy was right.....

 There are commies behind every bush, tree and plant in the USA. So funny how these idiots take out hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of student loans for education that enable them to work for huge corperations and make more money than they are worth, yet they cry about how evil capitalism is. THEY are the very products of it!

The country is already lost.In 20 years everybody will look at today and say, "Oh....THAT'S when we should have fought back...". 

Friday, September 02, 2022

MIA and What?

 So many things have been destroyed by the internet. many of those things had benefits far past what is now available as a result of their demise. Among them:

The entire recording industry. Napster destroyed the method of finding, growing and selling new music. All because rich college students thought "Music should be free!". The software the founder of Napster writes and sells now SHOULD BE FREE.

Shortwave Radio- 99% of the English broadcast worldwide is gone. With it, the spectrum of programs and news broadcasts that reached beyond an amount limited to local coverage. Now, internet shits out endless repeats of old news. Tred of seeing stories about incidents 80 years ago when I want to know why my county has been on fire for the last three days.

Periodicals/ magazines- they were forced to research and come up with never ending information to survive. 90% of the magazines I LOVED are all long gone. The knowledge and interaction with other readers has vanished, as the tribal knowledge for interests has dried up and gone away if t conflicts with some moderator on line.

News- No longer able to hear stories worldwide, and limited to whatever the pro media decides to sell and resell us. Why no stories of the White Farmers of South Africa being slaughtered in their homes? And god knows what else.

Can't think of anything else and need to water plants.

Fuck it.

Monday, August 29, 2022

I Piss Everybody Off

 Before it became this fancy world of "Social Media", people could laugh, argue and poke fun at each other on line. Now everybody has "Monitized", become an "Influencer" and turned into the biggest generation of thing skinned pussies in history.

I couldn't give a rat's ass what somebody else's "Gender" is. Or who they hump, or what they hump. Don't care which gods they follow or don't, what car they drive or anything else. Well, except computers. Those Apple/ Mac pansies blow ass.

Probably getting the Ban on at least two big social media sites as I type for saying, "No you don't." to more fragile little twats. I piss everybody off. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Oh, The Title Goes Up Here Now...

    Never-ending change on Blogger. It used to be so much fun to type in a subject or name on th Blogger search bar and have it take you though a never ending stream of blogs along those subjects. Now, even if you know the name of the blog, you can't find it. Some contacts I never met, but had enough interaction with to wonder how they are doing these days.

There was a fellow badly out of shape that took up cycling and got healthy again. Reading his posts kept me going on days of harsh pain. Then he got married. To some woman who already had a mess of kids, and pretty quickly vanished from his Blog. I hope he's OK, but last post I saw he had stopped cycling and gained around 40 pounds as a result.

There was a young woman in Iraq posting about her day to day life. Somebody published her blog as a book and we never heard about her again. I wonder if she got a dime for all her painful and heartfelt writing? Whatever happened to Riverbend?

Her friends had gone viral, one of which came to the US and kept his blog, the pivot person between them disappeared, and was probably killed. The remaning one since has vanished too. Salman Px, still missing?

There was a young woman in Japan of some sort of mixed heritage. She really didn't fit in, but seemed intelligent and nice enough. Her mother was going mad and I think moved in with her. It ruined her life, poor thing. She met somebody on Blogger, had a long distance realtionship and finally met them. Soon after she got ghosted painfully. The drinking had started up again. One prays that Drunken Wench rambler is OK out there somewhere.

Another fellow shaved his balls. He was stuck in life and started school to fly helicopters for a living. Part way through he met a girl, who was kinky. School seemed to have taken a back seat and he fell behind. Just when both of them got on track as a couple, the school with all his records went under and vanished. His submissive kitty was trying to help, but his slice of life blog posts went away.

Blogger allowed no censorship, and became a place to communicate, althought they did their best to prevent exchange of e-mail contact that cut them out of the loop. 

Oh well, I hope all of y'all are OK out there......

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Yet Again

 So I drop by Blogger to check on something on it and find I can no long go to a mode where I see the blog as the rest of the world does. I can pick one post for a "Preview", but not scroll through the whole thing. Where do the morons changing things come from? I hope they drown under their college loan debt.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

So Long Ago

 Blogger mattered. Before MySpace and FB you could make connections, exchange ideas, stay in touch and expand your world. Then Google came along and had to "Monetize" everything. It's ruined the internet as a result. Social media and everything else is so tightly controlled by big money that it's becoming increasingly useless. How bad is it when you have an actual web address and your browser says it doesn't exist?

Monday, May 10, 2021

What If?

 What if after all these car wrecks, bad jobs, chronic health problems and general bullshit....I was able to get back on track to do what I always said I wanted to do in life?

Applying lessons learned and lost to the never-ending quest to write. Treating novels just like all the technical manuals I spewed out without an issue. Wonder why I had this roadblock for so long? I think it's called "Life".

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Testing, 1,2, 3....

American Music

Rock music in the USA is dead as hell. The only things out there are 5th generation "Punk" bands. How does that even make sense? Punk was about loud, fast, new and soon to be outdated. A bunch of 50- somethings touring and singing about high school problems is so  very boring.

The airwaves have been taken back over by Formula Acts. So-called R & B and all the rest. Faces that come and go at the drop of a hat. Also, boring as all hell.

Then there's Taylor Swift. The white girl victim from hell. Always complaining about being female, yet richer than most families will ever be. Yep- she's sure been limited in her life. Dating her is for stupid people. Look at her wrong and you're the subject of yet another "Pity Me" song. She has more issues than National Geographic. Go away Taylor. Just go away.

Asia seems to have a host of strong rock bands in every genre. Punk and Grunge aren't even a thing there. Ladybaby is better than 95% of what comes out of US bands these days.

Funny how people you've known for decades vanish once they get married, isn't it? Then 20 years later when the kids are gone and the marriage is over they pop back up like nothing happened. Sorry, you ignored me, I moved on. Bye.

Too injured to work. Not recovering. Turned off phone to play guitar.

World, shut your mouth.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

All Dead


I had so much hope when I started this blog. It replaced another one because an idiot found it and thought posts on it were about them...and they weren't. I tried getting to my goals, but injury, pain and every god damn thing else got in the way. It's not the dream that dies last, it's the person who lost them all.

For five years I've been saying "I'm depressed." whenever I am asked what is wrong. 3 years ago when I got rear-ended at a stop light, the injuries really did a number on me. It took my fitness workouts away from me and I got fatter. So I tell doctors I am depressed about it. With this last wreck, EVERY one of the half a dozen doctors I am seeing has a 6 or longer page forms to fill out. On all of them I have marked "Yes" to the question asking if I am depressed. Nobody has said a thing. I don't need more pills, I need resolution to my never-ending pain and restoration of my wounded limbs. That doesn't seem likely. Who knows, I'll probably get hit by a busload of illegals brought in by the democrats for some promo event. Then when they search for all my on-line stuff they'll find this saying, "I don't feel good, I am depressed. Why won't anybody help me?" Note to news staff...highlight that last sentence.

If It Wasn't For Bad Luck.....

Back in December a moron blew through a stop sign and then slammed on brakes in front of me. I hit him broadside doing 45 mph and got hurt badly. The recovery is going poorly, as I now have four herniated discs in my neck and back. The pain is more than when I broke my neck in 1988. I have lost my beloved Miata that carried me through so many of the best things I had in life, and I feel lost. Had job interviews in the works and lost all that. A year without pay still owed to me.

I contacted every law enforcement agency from The State Department down to local Sheriffs and NOBODY would investigate the foreign criminal we all worked for. His anti-American rants an what I found n line about him convinced me he is involved in money laundering for somebody and probably terrorists. But still nothing. Lawyers won't take the case to sue him, LE will do nothing. I can see no reason I should be expected to follow any laws for myself. This country is dead and gone.

Facebook has become almost unusable, and a few friends have gone to Mewe in hopes of avoiding all the "Algorithms" of the other platforms.

I may not be alive long enough to post in a year or so like I have been doing.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Still No Break

Found a job a year and a half ago. Traveling and working myself into sickness only to have most of my work overturned and thrown out. Then yeah, I get blamed for a lack of results on stuff I disagreed with anyway. The bastard running the company hasn't paid anyone since fucking May. Last check was two weeks late to top it off. 90% of company has quit, and I am job searching again. The idiot took a week off to deal with a dying cat, lost all track of the process to pay us and cries that "nobody would understand..." about his cat. We get it. It's a fucking pet. It died. Get on with life. Yes I am angry and have lost faith in the company.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Google Destroyed Blogger

Back before FB, Blogger was a thriving and interesting place to be. You could connect with people world-wide and it was a blast. Now....the majority of features that made that possible are all gone as Google tries to turn everything into Twitter. They just don't understand that not everybody is 14 years old, sitting in class and trying to use their phones to pass notes to each other. So sad to see the smoking remains of a once great idea...

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

2017 So Far

Just wondered if this blog was still up. Way back when I met and communicated with folks world wide as a result of it. Blogs somehow forced a better set of writing than FB does. Absolutely nobody remembers Blogs- since they got taken over by cats and baby pictures. Plus, you can no longer surf the most recently published or any of the other feeds for them. Boring.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Still Angry, What Do You Expect?

The legal system is still a scam. Fuck everybody involved in it. Leaches.

Had I known how bad I would feel consonantly when I got diagnosed as Diabetic, I would have probably shot myself. None of my dreams in life have come true. It would be best if I just fucking died and my wife could get the insurance money. I looked at my first post of this blog and just shook my head at how much hope, energy and excitement I had back then. I feel like doing something stupid crazy like I have no idea. Working towards yet another type of job and having craploads of trouble since the last foreigner rear ended me in May. WTF- do I keep getting in wrecks with fucking forefingers? Whiplash and TBI just screw you when you need to study. Probably not getting other stuff done I forgot about either. I swear to god somebody that fucks with me needs to die. Maybe I should go to mexico in the F-250 and drive like they do here.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It just figures

The morons on the jury let the gunman off on all charges...including the ones he openly admitted to doing to the detective on the case. The legal system is a fucking joke. If you have to depend on a "Jury of your peers", you are fucked. America is too full of stupid people to ever work right again. How do I sell everything and leave?

To cap all, my oldest dog has now died.

Screw everybody else's problems. I've had enough.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Just waiting on the criminal trial. Hope my testimony puts the criminal behind bars for life. He showed me no mercy, the favor will be returned. I wield the legal system as my weapon...which means I have a lot slimmer chance of doing actual damage. Once this mess is over maybe I can get on with life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Wonder what I can get into that still excites me and makes me actually want to be alive? Its been a long time since I felt that way.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Taking It As It Comes. I Guess.

FB has ruined a lot of things and helped a few things. I used to follow a good number of bloggers and seeing their daily posts clued me into many things. Some went all pro and screwed up what was good about their blogs by selling on it. Many just stopped posting. The weird ones are the ones that used to write endlessly about wild parties and behavior...and now have (like everybody else it seems) reduced their blog to pictures of their blubbering, overweight spoiled children. So very few seem to have active or intelligent offspring. Maybe all that self-abuse pays off in the next generation.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

No New Tales To Tell

Nothing has changed. I put massive effort into a project and it gets shot down. Tired of aviation in general, but trapped by my investment in it. Music is a dead end in every way these days. Everybody else can fix their own damn cars, if they can't tough titties. Screw everybody.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hatin' On The Hobby Lobby

So far, all the people I know spewing hatred towards Hobby Lobby are the ones who have little to no understanding of business or insurance. They are also the ones who have happily worked their lives away for somebody else and complained about it the whole time....but would never in a million years consider going into business for themselves. They don't understand why HL is a corporation in the first place, much less what type and why. They seem to rant on about them being a business "for profit". So I guess its OK for all the non-profits they support to do as they damn well please....? Talk about a double standard.

What the haters don't understand is that EVERY company/ organization that is required to provide health insurance always picked and chose what they offered. The insurance company looks at their numbers and suggests a package that best covers their needs. I once knew an organization that was focused on AIDS, and almost everybody there was gay. They didn't offer ANY coverage for pregnancy...why was nobody freaking out about that? Of course, this very choice was removed by the ACA, which is what the lawsuit is about anyway. If it is personal convictions, working to save on the bottom line or whatever- it still should be up to the people spending the money to decide what they want to buy.

I bet if there was a Vegan Tax to help cattle farmers take better care of their herds the very same people would be just as deeply offended at having to pay it as the owners of HL are in this case.

Monday, June 02, 2014

They Changed It Again

Go a couple of months without logging in, and Blogger changes everything again. At least I expect it now. How soon until they change it back to what it was in the first place? They'll never know, because their legions of designers and programmers will have moved on by then. But they'll all think they invented the wheel.

Pain sucks, treatment almost fucking killed me. Doctors should know better. I may have been disabled for life at this point. Bastards. All I want in health to go kick some ass at a job worth doing. Oh wait, there aren't any of those left in the USA.......

Saturday, March 08, 2014

House Repairs Suck

The roof leaks in three major places. I have found two issues and am working to fix them. The third looks like it will be harder to track down. Still, the house is paid for and repair costs are far less per month than buying or renting a place. Sick of not having a job to bring in some cash too. The repairs would probably cost only a couple of hundred bucks and save me a lot of pain working around to get in the tight places they are hidden in. I need a job so I can clean this place up and get on with life.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Because I Feel Like Crap. That's Why.

Ever since the 80's and a bad car wreck, my health has been crap. I have worked through the pain to get by and never sought any public assistance. All around me I have seen countless babymommas and losers sucking off the public funds at every chance. Don't tell me I am wrong. they lived next door, the house over and the one next to that. When they moved to nicer places, the ones who moved in to replace them learned the tricks from those left behind before their own moves out. ALL of them ended up living in their own houses through public assistance. Not renting...owning.

Fuck them all. I caught the smelly kids of one running into my car with their bicycle and massively scratching it. When I asked for them to repair it, I was told to fuck off...because they were poor and didn't have anything (other than the newest game consoles, TV's, etc...and a car newer than mine). I reported them as drug abusers and got them in trouble with the law as a result. Paybacks are a bitch.

I caught another's kids using the rear window of my convertible as a backboard to slam their basketball off of. They fucked up my paint and nobody did anything about it. So I took the kids ball and did the same damage to their car. You should have heard the threats from that. My comeback was something to the effect off telling them that at 450 pounds the effort would kill them. Funny thing, the 450 pound bastard was dead within 2 months anyway. 34 and dead from being so fat. Then they came to me and wanted me to figure out how to sue the doctor for malpractice...?!?!?!?!?!?! Drop fucking dead.

I feel like crap now, just like I have since the end of the 80's. When the hell do I get disability like so many others? I know somebody who twisted their ankle and that was the golden ticket. Hell, I've done far worse than that just working and never got a dime. I'd rather work, but if everybody else gets paid to not wear themselves out....why shouldn't I? I've been baking the pie for decades, I want my fucking slice now!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

The "Need For Fundamental Change."

I finally put my finger directly on the issue. From day one that Obama ran for office, he has been spouting off about his notion that in the USA there is a "Need For Fundamental Change".

He couldn't be more wrong. He is the exact model of every moron manager that destroys companies I have ever worked for. To explain:

Back in the early 80's, the Cool Kids all decided that since they were going to college, they were better than everyone else. They touted themselves as Yuppies and looked down their noses at everybody else. Since 95% of them had no real skills or interests, most of them ended up with expensive degrees in "Business Management". When it came time to pay back their student loans, they descended in force on the USA that had been built over the centuries. Some of you may remember the place: It was built by a little fellow called "The Working Man".

That Working Man started with less than nothing and went to work. He learned skills along the way and did better and better for himself as a result. The country soared on the wings of his Blood, Sweat and Tears. There was no challenge he wasn't best at. There was nothing he couldn't do. He built a place to be envied around the world.

Then came the Unwashed Hordes Of College Educated Morons. Instead of working someplace and gaining an understanding of how that business or industry functioned, they were drunk for 85% of their college years. They threw "Toga Parties". They joined Frats and got drunk again. They broke laws and Daddy's money always bailed them out. The only thing they learned how to do was point the finger at somebody else for what they did wrong. They lived and cheered the weird theories they learned in school. Things taught to them by professors who couldn't change a spark plug if they tried. Since they had no idea what a spark plug was in the first place. Sure, they knew about Modernism and Somebody's Razor...but nothing steeped in fact.

The USA opened the doors to industry to them, because they often were the sons and daughters of the owners of the companies. The FIRST thing a BAD MANAGER does is to declare that, "Everything needs to be changed...!". The worst managers walk into a job and start firing people and changing how things are done. They create a chaos that destroys companies. That's OK, they can always move on to another company with their degree.

The BEST managers walk in and observe what is going on. Then, based on experience (not some damn theory) they adjust and massage the existing system into being more organized and efficient. They understand that a company or a country grew and survived for years before they arrived. They realize that a whole bunch of things must be right with it, not wrong with it. The self-centered jackass with a degree cares only about himself. If their changes destroy the company, its somebody else's fault already.

The USA has never had a need for a sweeping "Fundamental Change", It has a need for good insight and stewardship of what it already is. It needs a tweak here and there, a polish on this or that and nothing more. To think otherwise is the mark of an idiot or moron. Or perhaps a college grad who has never worked an actual day's work in their life.

It is an insult to the generations of Workers and people that forged this country to declare they did it all wrong and it must be changed. Only a moron would believe that in the first place. Or a self-centered idiot with no real world job experience in the first place.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Empty Halls Of An Abandoned Building

Blogger is now hipper and cooler than ever before. Just like your youth when there were empty buildings slowly rotting away providing places to go hid from the it now is with Blogger.

Back in the day the Yuppies took over every place cool with their McMansions and 2.5 children. Their cookie cutter houses overwhelmed everything, leaving scant time for vintage or old buildings. How funny that their children have all grown up to desire Craftsmen and Vintage Housing! Blogger is now over run with blogs about children. That would best be done over at Facebook. But there are still a few underground blogs pacing along out there.

I discovered a bookmark list from a decade ago, and wasn't much surprised at how many blogs no longer exist. The interesting part was the ones that still existed n much the same form...without the inevitable "These are my children and nothing else matters" blogs. Kids are OK and all, but do people cease to exist when they have them?

I'm going to wander down this Blog Hallway a while now and see what graffitii I find on the walls.....

Friday, February 07, 2014

The Olympics

After having spent 20 some years, my time and most of my finances to help support an Olympic sport...the last thing I care about is The Olympics. I am sick of people who never had a fraction of my commitment or involvement try and tell me how it all is. I've seen the honest part, the dirty part and the part where you realize that only the rich kids get a shot because their parents are the only ones who can afford to give them a chance. Just like everything else in life, it's all about how much cash you have. The key turning point in the final failure of the Modern Games was when they added basketball and let a bunch of pros "resign their contracts" so they were "amateurs" during the run of the games. What a waste of time it all is.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blogger vs Facebook

Most people have left Blogger and gone to Facebook many years ago. I find that Blogger has some major advantages over FB at this point. On Blogger, I was able to post/ record my thoughts for my own benefit and some public interaction. Few people ever said anything about it. Only one ever got upset. They read a post and thought it was about them, got offended, and made a big public display of breaking off a perceived friendship with me.

On FB, endlessly I am attacked for what I have posted. Worst of all are the ones who quote crap websites like Huffington Post. They search the internet for things that match their beliefs, rather than support facts. They often denigrate my own personal experiences and tell me I am wrong on subjects. I'm sorry, it happened to ME...I couldn't give a fuck about your pie charts and deeply held moral attitudes that say that it couldn't possibly happen.

When I go back to Blogger, I find years of recorded thoughts that catalog progress through issues. When I go back through FB, I find petty arguments with everybody picking on me for things I have said. Things they wouldn't even question face to face. Perhaps Blogger deserves another chance for many people. It seems a better place to keep track of things. Nobody I know has even checked this one for at least five years.

I have so much to do, no money or job to do any of it. I need to finish getting a number of things in order so I can go find work again. First of which is a month of PT for a bad disc in my back. Bad disc, bad timing. Deal with it I guess.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hard to Find

I think about Blogger often. I can rarely remember my log-in for it. Google took it over and keeps "improving" it, meaning I can't find it or fuck all about it or anything. Why do so many programmers try and fix what isn't broken?