Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Because I Feel Like Crap. That's Why.

Ever since the 80's and a bad car wreck, my health has been crap. I have worked through the pain to get by and never sought any public assistance. All around me I have seen countless babymommas and losers sucking off the public funds at every chance. Don't tell me I am wrong. they lived next door, the house over and the one next to that. When they moved to nicer places, the ones who moved in to replace them learned the tricks from those left behind before their own moves out. ALL of them ended up living in their own houses through public assistance. Not renting...owning.

Fuck them all. I caught the smelly kids of one running into my car with their bicycle and massively scratching it. When I asked for them to repair it, I was told to fuck off...because they were poor and didn't have anything (other than the newest game consoles, TV's, etc...and a car newer than mine). I reported them as drug abusers and got them in trouble with the law as a result. Paybacks are a bitch.

I caught another's kids using the rear window of my convertible as a backboard to slam their basketball off of. They fucked up my paint and nobody did anything about it. So I took the kids ball and did the same damage to their car. You should have heard the threats from that. My comeback was something to the effect off telling them that at 450 pounds the effort would kill them. Funny thing, the 450 pound bastard was dead within 2 months anyway. 34 and dead from being so fat. Then they came to me and wanted me to figure out how to sue the doctor for malpractice...?!?!?!?!?!?! Drop fucking dead.

I feel like crap now, just like I have since the end of the 80's. When the hell do I get disability like so many others? I know somebody who twisted their ankle and that was the golden ticket. Hell, I've done far worse than that just working and never got a dime. I'd rather work, but if everybody else gets paid to not wear themselves out....why shouldn't I? I've been baking the pie for decades, I want my fucking slice now!