Sunday, September 03, 2006

Bad Night For Little Dog...

Hi Jimmy,

I think there must be something in the air. The planet is falling off it's bearings or something. I ain't the only one who feels it either. Maybe that Mayan calander thing about not starting the Iraq, meant something after all.

Last night, about 10:00 p.m., my girls little dog, Peewee, walked into the room, took a few sips from his water dish and wandered away from it. He bagan gasping and choking, and then just flat fell over choking. My girl screamed out as she dove for him....

he was choking on his tongue along with whatever else was going on, and she tried to clear it. She got bit pretty badly as he struggled. I took his mouth and got his tongue out of the way while she pushed his chest to make sure he was beathing. At first he wasn't...then he barely began too again. When we were sure he was breathing on his own, we bundled him into the truck to race to the vet's office.

99% of the people got out of the way of a speeding truck that was flashing his lights to warn them...EXCEPT for ONE preppy ASSHOLE who cut in front of me, cutting me off and making me jam the brakes to not rear end him. I flashed the lights and warning flashers and he slowed down! He was making SURE I couldn't get past him. what, I was born and raised redneck so I can outdrive damn near any little prick I see around here. I took it to the shoulder and went to pass him amd he speed up again! (Had we been in MY truck instead of hers...I certainly would have just tagged his front bumper and psun his sorry ass.No remorse, no regrets!). I finally got past him.

A mile down the road another truck pulled in front, but moved when I falshed the lights..I flashed a thank you back as we blazed by. You see, some people DO understand and emergency is going on!

Anyway, after almost two hours at the vet's (while another fellow's aged dog didn't make sad...!), we saw the x-rays and talked with the doctor. Seems he must have chocked on something, but the shape of his body keeps his lungs from filling up all the way. You could see it in the xrays. The last week or so he had been a bouncing ball of energy, which is amazing for a 14 year old dog. I think he overdid things and that was part of the issue.

Today he looks like he lost a bar fight, he is vague, doesn't want to eat or drink- and is jumping up to pace the apartment every few minutes. Only in the last hour or so has he calmed down a little. He certainly had a rough night.....a Bad Night For A Little Dog.

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