Friday, November 02, 2007

Blogging Half life

It seems all cool blogs I follow run out of steam and vanish at some point. Interting people get bored, tired, fired, fat, injured....whatever, and the blog entries slow or stop compleltly. Its a bummer when you've been following some intelligent person, only to have them vanish ith no reason.

Probably worse is the victums of love. They go from having great blogs to googly eyed proclamations of never-ending love for whomever new is in their life. If you keep them bookmarked, at some point they break up and get interesting again. Others, they get married and join the ever increasing numbers of "baby blogs", fully documentingevery poop and fart their child makes as it grows. Talk about embarrassing for the kids. What happens when the never-ending blog is discovered by other fifth grade classmates some years later?Blogmurders? Who can tell.

Oh well, off to class and a mid-term test. I am tired, sick and mentally dull.I hope I get a decent score on the thing....

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