Wednesday, February 06, 2008


It's been a while since I posted. I wish I had some interesting stuff to post, lik the good bloggers do. I dislike cats, so I guess I can't be a real bloger. Why the hell do so many people waste bandwidth with pictures of their cats?

I still haven't reassembled my dead car, the weather has either been freezing cold or raining....which makes it a mess to work on the car outside. In the meantime I am going broke driving the truck.

I am very far behind in school due to the tramas of the end of last year. Looks like I am best served to catch up the labs from last year and test out on that half of the program. I owe twice as many labs for last semseter as I do for last year. What a nightmare. I am feeling the pressure to get things done, so I can get the hell out of teaching for a living.

I am sick and tired of dealing with what are now known as helicopter parents. Kisa today don't learn responsibility, and are all cuddled far past the youthful age that they should be learing responsibility. I've had another bad parent experience, and I just want to quit and go work nights at a grocery store or something to earn my income until school is done. I migt have to anyway, as its not paying the bills as it is. I may lose overall income, but I would lose close to a $1000.00 a month in rental expense, and save untold thousands of dollars of gas and vehicle repair costs.

I need to get caught up with school, thats all there is to it.

1 comment:

HighlandBlade said...

I'm feeling your pain Cap'n. The gym hasn't been very kind to me as of late. However, I sympathize with you about '07 being a bad year - for me at least. Hope '08 is better for you. Don't give up!

PS: If a tree gets in your way, turn.