Saturday, July 30, 2011


I have been buried under estate related crap. A major portion of the money he had saved have been spent on the trivial things, while the large things all seem to have gone easily. I am even more tired now. I look back over this blog, and it was supposed to help me feel like I had made progress in life while over-coming my issues. It falls short on that.

I used to follow and read a number of blogs. All are gone without a trace now. I wonder if those folks are okay? I hate the day that blogger turned into a place to put up photos of your fucking cat or children. It used to be interesting.

I have found that internet explorer increasingly doesn't want to do the simple tasks...such as go to websites or do anything with pressing buttons. Its whatever the new version is, and I have to say I hate it. I have been using IE since it was created, but may be forced to dump it soon. Its as bad as the iPad I got that won't play anything flash related. Thanks, I can't check my e-mails or surf most of the stuff I need as a result. Steve Jobs is a bigger prick than Gates ever was...

Packing to leave the state and move to Florida. So many people I know are doing well there. I need to be surrounded by that, instead of the daily struggle to not get run over by illegal aliens that I have now. I am about 45% packed, with a major spring cleaning being done as I pack. I guess that puts me at 50% overall, counting what I no longer own and won't have to move. Planning on a U-Haul trip in the next few weeks, hopefully matching two autos being transported by semi to the new home and life. Once moved will begin to look for A & P work, figuring that handling an out of state parents death is a reasonable reason for a gap between getting the Cert and searching for work.