Wednesday, November 12, 2014

No New Tales To Tell

Nothing has changed. I put massive effort into a project and it gets shot down. Tired of aviation in general, but trapped by my investment in it. Music is a dead end in every way these days. Everybody else can fix their own damn cars, if they can't tough titties. Screw everybody.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Hatin' On The Hobby Lobby

So far, all the people I know spewing hatred towards Hobby Lobby are the ones who have little to no understanding of business or insurance. They are also the ones who have happily worked their lives away for somebody else and complained about it the whole time....but would never in a million years consider going into business for themselves. They don't understand why HL is a corporation in the first place, much less what type and why. They seem to rant on about them being a business "for profit". So I guess its OK for all the non-profits they support to do as they damn well please....? Talk about a double standard.

What the haters don't understand is that EVERY company/ organization that is required to provide health insurance always picked and chose what they offered. The insurance company looks at their numbers and suggests a package that best covers their needs. I once knew an organization that was focused on AIDS, and almost everybody there was gay. They didn't offer ANY coverage for pregnancy...why was nobody freaking out about that? Of course, this very choice was removed by the ACA, which is what the lawsuit is about anyway. If it is personal convictions, working to save on the bottom line or whatever- it still should be up to the people spending the money to decide what they want to buy.

I bet if there was a Vegan Tax to help cattle farmers take better care of their herds the very same people would be just as deeply offended at having to pay it as the owners of HL are in this case.

Monday, June 02, 2014

They Changed It Again

Go a couple of months without logging in, and Blogger changes everything again. At least I expect it now. How soon until they change it back to what it was in the first place? They'll never know, because their legions of designers and programmers will have moved on by then. But they'll all think they invented the wheel.

Pain sucks, treatment almost fucking killed me. Doctors should know better. I may have been disabled for life at this point. Bastards. All I want in health to go kick some ass at a job worth doing. Oh wait, there aren't any of those left in the USA.......

Saturday, March 08, 2014

House Repairs Suck

The roof leaks in three major places. I have found two issues and am working to fix them. The third looks like it will be harder to track down. Still, the house is paid for and repair costs are far less per month than buying or renting a place. Sick of not having a job to bring in some cash too. The repairs would probably cost only a couple of hundred bucks and save me a lot of pain working around to get in the tight places they are hidden in. I need a job so I can clean this place up and get on with life.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Because I Feel Like Crap. That's Why.

Ever since the 80's and a bad car wreck, my health has been crap. I have worked through the pain to get by and never sought any public assistance. All around me I have seen countless babymommas and losers sucking off the public funds at every chance. Don't tell me I am wrong. they lived next door, the house over and the one next to that. When they moved to nicer places, the ones who moved in to replace them learned the tricks from those left behind before their own moves out. ALL of them ended up living in their own houses through public assistance. Not renting...owning.

Fuck them all. I caught the smelly kids of one running into my car with their bicycle and massively scratching it. When I asked for them to repair it, I was told to fuck off...because they were poor and didn't have anything (other than the newest game consoles, TV's, etc...and a car newer than mine). I reported them as drug abusers and got them in trouble with the law as a result. Paybacks are a bitch.

I caught another's kids using the rear window of my convertible as a backboard to slam their basketball off of. They fucked up my paint and nobody did anything about it. So I took the kids ball and did the same damage to their car. You should have heard the threats from that. My comeback was something to the effect off telling them that at 450 pounds the effort would kill them. Funny thing, the 450 pound bastard was dead within 2 months anyway. 34 and dead from being so fat. Then they came to me and wanted me to figure out how to sue the doctor for malpractice...?!?!?!?!?!?! Drop fucking dead.

I feel like crap now, just like I have since the end of the 80's. When the hell do I get disability like so many others? I know somebody who twisted their ankle and that was the golden ticket. Hell, I've done far worse than that just working and never got a dime. I'd rather work, but if everybody else gets paid to not wear themselves out....why shouldn't I? I've been baking the pie for decades, I want my fucking slice now!

Saturday, March 01, 2014

The "Need For Fundamental Change."

I finally put my finger directly on the issue. From day one that Obama ran for office, he has been spouting off about his notion that in the USA there is a "Need For Fundamental Change".

He couldn't be more wrong. He is the exact model of every moron manager that destroys companies I have ever worked for. To explain:

Back in the early 80's, the Cool Kids all decided that since they were going to college, they were better than everyone else. They touted themselves as Yuppies and looked down their noses at everybody else. Since 95% of them had no real skills or interests, most of them ended up with expensive degrees in "Business Management". When it came time to pay back their student loans, they descended in force on the USA that had been built over the centuries. Some of you may remember the place: It was built by a little fellow called "The Working Man".

That Working Man started with less than nothing and went to work. He learned skills along the way and did better and better for himself as a result. The country soared on the wings of his Blood, Sweat and Tears. There was no challenge he wasn't best at. There was nothing he couldn't do. He built a place to be envied around the world.

Then came the Unwashed Hordes Of College Educated Morons. Instead of working someplace and gaining an understanding of how that business or industry functioned, they were drunk for 85% of their college years. They threw "Toga Parties". They joined Frats and got drunk again. They broke laws and Daddy's money always bailed them out. The only thing they learned how to do was point the finger at somebody else for what they did wrong. They lived and cheered the weird theories they learned in school. Things taught to them by professors who couldn't change a spark plug if they tried. Since they had no idea what a spark plug was in the first place. Sure, they knew about Modernism and Somebody's Razor...but nothing steeped in fact.

The USA opened the doors to industry to them, because they often were the sons and daughters of the owners of the companies. The FIRST thing a BAD MANAGER does is to declare that, "Everything needs to be changed...!". The worst managers walk into a job and start firing people and changing how things are done. They create a chaos that destroys companies. That's OK, they can always move on to another company with their degree.

The BEST managers walk in and observe what is going on. Then, based on experience (not some damn theory) they adjust and massage the existing system into being more organized and efficient. They understand that a company or a country grew and survived for years before they arrived. They realize that a whole bunch of things must be right with it, not wrong with it. The self-centered jackass with a degree cares only about himself. If their changes destroy the company, its somebody else's fault already.

The USA has never had a need for a sweeping "Fundamental Change", It has a need for good insight and stewardship of what it already is. It needs a tweak here and there, a polish on this or that and nothing more. To think otherwise is the mark of an idiot or moron. Or perhaps a college grad who has never worked an actual day's work in their life.

It is an insult to the generations of Workers and people that forged this country to declare they did it all wrong and it must be changed. Only a moron would believe that in the first place. Or a self-centered idiot with no real world job experience in the first place.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Empty Halls Of An Abandoned Building

Blogger is now hipper and cooler than ever before. Just like your youth when there were empty buildings slowly rotting away providing places to go hid from the it now is with Blogger.

Back in the day the Yuppies took over every place cool with their McMansions and 2.5 children. Their cookie cutter houses overwhelmed everything, leaving scant time for vintage or old buildings. How funny that their children have all grown up to desire Craftsmen and Vintage Housing! Blogger is now over run with blogs about children. That would best be done over at Facebook. But there are still a few underground blogs pacing along out there.

I discovered a bookmark list from a decade ago, and wasn't much surprised at how many blogs no longer exist. The interesting part was the ones that still existed n much the same form...without the inevitable "These are my children and nothing else matters" blogs. Kids are OK and all, but do people cease to exist when they have them?

I'm going to wander down this Blog Hallway a while now and see what graffitii I find on the walls.....

Friday, February 07, 2014

The Olympics

After having spent 20 some years, my time and most of my finances to help support an Olympic sport...the last thing I care about is The Olympics. I am sick of people who never had a fraction of my commitment or involvement try and tell me how it all is. I've seen the honest part, the dirty part and the part where you realize that only the rich kids get a shot because their parents are the only ones who can afford to give them a chance. Just like everything else in life, it's all about how much cash you have. The key turning point in the final failure of the Modern Games was when they added basketball and let a bunch of pros "resign their contracts" so they were "amateurs" during the run of the games. What a waste of time it all is.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blogger vs Facebook

Most people have left Blogger and gone to Facebook many years ago. I find that Blogger has some major advantages over FB at this point. On Blogger, I was able to post/ record my thoughts for my own benefit and some public interaction. Few people ever said anything about it. Only one ever got upset. They read a post and thought it was about them, got offended, and made a big public display of breaking off a perceived friendship with me.

On FB, endlessly I am attacked for what I have posted. Worst of all are the ones who quote crap websites like Huffington Post. They search the internet for things that match their beliefs, rather than support facts. They often denigrate my own personal experiences and tell me I am wrong on subjects. I'm sorry, it happened to ME...I couldn't give a fuck about your pie charts and deeply held moral attitudes that say that it couldn't possibly happen.

When I go back to Blogger, I find years of recorded thoughts that catalog progress through issues. When I go back through FB, I find petty arguments with everybody picking on me for things I have said. Things they wouldn't even question face to face. Perhaps Blogger deserves another chance for many people. It seems a better place to keep track of things. Nobody I know has even checked this one for at least five years.

I have so much to do, no money or job to do any of it. I need to finish getting a number of things in order so I can go find work again. First of which is a month of PT for a bad disc in my back. Bad disc, bad timing. Deal with it I guess.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hard to Find

I think about Blogger often. I can rarely remember my log-in for it. Google took it over and keeps "improving" it, meaning I can't find it or fuck all about it or anything. Why do so many programmers try and fix what isn't broken?