Monday, March 17, 2008

Bait and Switch Politics

Ever since I can remember (o.k., the mid-70's). I have noticed the American tactic of stupid news stories covering up what's REALLY going on...espicially if what's going on isn't good news. It works like this:

Something goes terribly wrong in a. the economy,b. a war somewhere, c. national issues, d.etc.,small mention of which is made in the US media. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere...a HUGE story buries the airwaves for weeks at a time, covering and making everyone think about the "real" issues at hand.

Did anyone else notice the man in charge of the "war" in Iraq quit last week? No...I guess Elliot Spritizer's dick and Brittney's moron sex toy are a GREAT DEAL more important to think about than a person who is in charge of leading a war in an entire miltary arena!

I remember years ago some stupid story was out, and I told everyone else, "What's really important is all the way around the world and we aren't hearing about it.". Back in those days I had a shortwave radio that filled me in on the bombing of Libya and troubles in Beirut that the American media didn't announce. A full two weeks later, both situations "blew up" in the US media.

I really don't believe for a minute there is a free press in the USA. Can all these people working in the field REALLY miss the important facts that badly? For god sakes, even NPR was on the whore banging bandwagon all week long! I really, really don't care about these fluff stories.

What about the war and what about the economy?

It ALL gets down to gas prices right now. My buisiness has fallen apart because people can't afford anything extra when gas costs so much. I can go back and chart my loss of students to increases in gas prices. A few folks have actually confirmed that if the gas used to commute to work costs so much, they have had to pull cash from other things to cover it.

There isn't a single person running for president that has said the phrase, "Gas prices" EVER during this run. I don't give a shit about anything except gas prices. The MORONS who put an oil man into office and then can't believe record profits from oil companies should be beaten senseless. What was the big story then...? Lance Bass is gay? Brittney is married to white trash? There are weapons of mass destruction in a piss ant tiny country that wouldn't be stupid enough to use them against us?

What happened to this country? It began to fall apart with Raygun and his yuppies. We can all see the effect of years of trickledown economics now....guess what...IT DIDN'T WORK! (I used to say that what trickled down to the majority of people smells like the piss it is. )

Oh well, as long as they don't try and take away our guns there is still hope. Did you see that Brittney's manager agreed to stay away from her another month?! (Why don't they prosicute Brit's parents under the Mann Act? They exploited her and transported her across state lines for immoral purposes....making themselves rich.)

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