I have recently looked at much of my creative output from the last 20 years. Some of it was half-baked and unfinished, some had potential, some was done. Much of it just wasn't where I am anymore to any degree.....so.....
....I have destroyed over 200,000 words of written material this past week. That's about 70 sets of song lyrics, a number of short stories, and one full novel of around 230 pages. Like a garge full of old crap you no longer use, it feels better to be cleaned up and out.
Currently, I have zero desire to write novels or songs. This is weird, as for the fact that for as longas I can remember, I have worked on writing. Wonder where the drive/ interest went to? Perhaps its the fact that there are 80 cazillion novls of littl to zero worth out there, and the numbers say that it would be a waste of time to try and get published. I do have something of an interest in working on some biography type stuff or some historical stuff around aircraft. Oh well, when I get time.
I would actually like to get back to rockets and model aircraft to some extent right now. Guess that starts with cleaning the apartment up and laundry. Hope the Car is back from its final part of being repaired today. 8 miles to the gallon in the truck is still killing me.
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