Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Greatest Bands Never Win...

I am buried under homework and geting ready for a final. Out of the blue it seems that REM has started sounding like themselves again. I got the CD to prove it.

All those years ago thoselocal boy went up north to Ga. to open for some other unknownsand came back freaking about rREM. Got the first ep the day it came out and believed in them.

Years came and went, as did ad campaigns. OK, I was younger than them but older than the high schoolers who thought them theirs. They fianlly drifted off the scope. But at least they really hit the big time hard and it paid off.

You get th new disc and load it into the technologie to get it to your iPod and lsiten as it imports. All is well, the disc sounds good and without warning the iTunes doesn't end, it just goes on to the next track....of one of themost gloriuos bands to ever exist...THE RAINMAKERS!!!!! Suddenly I remembered what a time it was underground in the early 80's. The Alarm, The Rainmakers, Hanoi Rocks, Marillion, IQ....the list could go on so long. All bands that shined brighter than the George Micheals CRAP that coated the airwaves (Wham was good fun though....).

Support your best memories and find the bands lost in the haze. Bring back real music, kill everything and everyone associated with corp music (read that as "Rap").

I dream of a golden day when the best musicians record their stuff at home, use the internet to get to us all, sell us the download to cover th cost and get to bring the joy of our creations. No more A & R men making money on the backs of talent. No more college educated trend followers saying what we get to hear. Cut them all out for a Brave New World of music!

Iron Maiden is getting there, a few old favorites wander around the internet, rather unsure of it all.

Spend a day a week looking up folks like Mike Peters, The Waterboys, Pat Tomek ( and maybe with enough encouragment some of the folks will call old friends and bash out a few tunes.

May have hated Guitar Hero at first, and I HATE playing it....but anything that brings actual musical ability back and brings the art of songwriting and playing back is fine by me! I love the kids that got a guitar and now think the game is they learn to actually make music!!!

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