Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Only Issue That Matters.

So the folks that want to be president are dancing around the same old, tired subjects. How long will they reinvent class struggles and misplaced lack of responsibilities as actual issues? How long this phony war to distract us from real issues will go on...? NOPE.

There is only ONE ISSUE that should be addressed that isn't being touched. The issue is the COST OF GAS IN THE USA.

I am sick to death of hearing how the price is going up because there are not enough refineries, or because they close down 12 months a year for yearly repairs. I don't care what the price a barrel is, and that its all being traded like gold now, so for some reason we all have to pay more for it.

Why are the energy/ oil companies not investing in new refineries while they are showing record profits? It seems if you can't keep up with demand you should be spending money to catch up.

The higher the price of gas goes, the more the average person has to cut back on any and everything they enjoy. THAT'S what is wrong with the economy. Why can't all the stuck up college experts figure it out? Maybe they should pull their degrees off the wall and have them ready when they need something to burn for heat next winter.

The rest of us, the people who have to work and not hide behind theory and vague ideas already know the only issue....and its creating all the other issues.


I say nationalize them all and nationalize the salaries of their CEO's while they are at it. Put all that money back into the economy and split it up among everyone else.

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