NO order here at all:
The Dems have Obama, a mulatto male acting like he's black. I'm soo tired of hearing about him being raised by a single mother. Single mothers don't usually trot the globe, living on research grants and drag their spoiled child along. Well, black ones don't at least. So it's a good thing for Obama his mom wasn't black.
And another thing...why is it that anyone in the USA that has ANY black heritage is pounced upon to proclaimed ONLY that portion of their heritage? Like Jimi Hendrix. Or Tiger Woods (At least HE doesn't place the whole annoying race thing!).As for Obama, why would he embrace the culture of the parent that abandoned him in the first place? Oh, and created him while still married to another woman anyway. Yeah, THAT'S the part of my heritage I would want to proclaim.
And the whole "I had to live with my poor grandma" bit....wasn't she a retired bank vice-president? ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? What an asshole. I can't see how anybody would trust a fool who has never even owned a business or been in charge of ANYTHING for any length of time. Remember when HE said about Hillary that being President wasn't the place for on the job training? Hmm...maybe it is for false black men like him.....
Then he picks a pretty reasonable person as Vice Pres to run with him.OK, great.
Then the Repubs. They found a pit bull of a guy who is at least schooled in combat and tactics. If I were stuck in a uniform I'd probably vote for him on this alone. At least he has a chance to wind down the wars like he means it. So he's old, SO WHAT? Oh yeah, he isn't the most popular skin color, I forgot. Because white people have done nothing in the USA except oppress the minorities, and since he's white, it's all his fault. Everyone should vote against him because of the color of his skin, which is why everyone should vote for the half black guy...he's not as white! (But he IS more of a spoiled rich college boy lawyer than the white guy....).
THEN they go and ruin it with the world's WORST candidate in history. Sarah "Soccer Mom" Palin. Yeah, we all know the deluded masses of soccer moms is what helped get Bushie in office...twice. But what idiot would actually want one running the country?!?!?!?! Most NORMAL people HATE soccer moms and their greater than thou raving christian attitudes. The whole bridge to nowhere thing? Its such a christian response she gives "God forgave me, so I don't care if you do". As for pit bulls wearing lipstick, they would certainly be more attractive that this middle age slag with the fuck me red pumps and the on her back daughter parading around like they are better than us. What was the bumper sticker I saw? Something like, "My bastard grandchild is a wonderful gift from god, yours is a social disaster that taxes the economy and is a mistake."
And she would be one chicken bone away from running the country? WHAT?!?!?!!? Ever seen a self-proclaimed soccer mom run anything important correctly without fucking it up and bringing in only her friends and buddies to work it? NOPE!
What kind of crap country is it that can get only two seemingly reasonable people out of four to run for office, and then not even on the same ticket?
Back to the chicken bone- It sorts out like this: If the Dems win, they'll need bucket's of the Colonel's best sent to the White House everyday. If the Repubs win they'll need a gate guard to prevent the delivery guy from getting there....
WHY should I vote...HOW can I vote? I really regret not selling everything I owned and moving to another place to live all those years ago. I wonder if I could pull it off now.....
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