Monday, October 06, 2008

3.5 Years

So there I was at the Miramar Air Show, chatting with a Harrier pilot. He was a young fellow, no more than 25 years old. In course of conversation I asked how long he had been flying. For some reason I expected to hear he soloed at 16 and that sort of thing. Instead, his answer was "About three and a half years, been flying the Harrier for a year now."


It all rather sunk in later. Yes, I have made some progress in life over the last couple of years, but I ceratinly didin't go from nothing to piloting something like the Harrier.

OK, gotta make the NEXT 3.5 years count. I have already taken some steps towards making them count as a result of this realization.......


HighlandBlade said...

Yes, but that young fellow did it all on the tax-payers' dime.

CrushedDreams said...

True that! Wish my tax money did something like that for me....