Monday, November 03, 2008

Alone In All I Do.

Much of my mental reveiw as of late has centered around getting dates correct in my head. That fucking car wreck certainly muddied the waters for afr too long. It's given insite into timing and foresight to reckon what's coming. I still have that capacity,but it seems focused other than the arts.

THEN AGAIN....Over the last few years I've the chance to have contact with any number of would be artists from the current crop. Not the ones you may think I am talking about either. BUT, there certainly isn't the width of dynamics that existed amoung those I knew so long ago. Now, all seem rather plastic, without a fresh idea in their heads. Funny, was at one place where everyone was patting an artist on the back for some great concept he was displaying....and all I could thinbk about was I had seen exactly the same thing years ago, and even on the internet. Their glory boy was just a copy cat. How funny.

Then, IN ADDITION, I sometimes find myself among a crowd who consider themselves to be educated and so important. NONE of them could figure out why their cars won't start if they break, none could plow a field or plant it, none could harvest or hunt game, I doubt if fishing is among their skills either- BUT they sure do act all important talking about yet another of their ilk with the same lack of survival skills. That's nice, splash some paint on the canvas and be a star. Maybe we'll call you Jack the Dripper...oh wait, that's been done too.

Overall, the key is that I am an only child, and we never seem to have the ability to get others to share the work load for what we endeavor. Then, when we go it alone, everyone attacks us and claims we act too good to let anyone help. Funny, I remember countless hours of mind-crushing boredom as my youth. I was the only kid on my street, until that one family moved in when I was like 9. If I wanted to "play", I had to entertain myself. I learned to rely on nobody but me.

And now that seems to be a curse.

Most of the time I can achieve a task more quickly by myself, than with a group. Oh well. Whatever.

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