Sunday, November 23, 2008

MY Bailout Plan for Carmakers.

So what.

The CEO's for car makers used their own jets to arrive at meetings to ask for help. That's how business at that level works. Believe it or not, CEO's actually do things that affect each and every member of the companies work force. Some CEO's are fucking morons, some not. Did any of the assholes downing them for private jet use ask....WHY? Nope.

Anybody remember a little known historical event they used to call "9-11"? Anybody notice the names and jobs of many of the folks killed on the commercial jets that day? Some were pretty important, key people in their work. They were not replaceable there (not even talking about personal value). Many, many companies felt like airport security wasn't worth a damn, and it was foolish to risk losing the heads of their companies to something like hijacking and terrorists. Remember how they are all just around the corner all the time? So they started using private jets! It wasn't a frill, it was a SAFETY CONCERN!!!! Now...what the hell is wrong with that?

In addition, when someone at that level travels in a private jet, they have instant access to a workplace, and are able to keep right on working. No waiting to get to a wi-fi spot there. PLUS- HOW MANY TIMES HAVE THE AIRLINES BEEN ON TIME OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Yeah, that would look good, "Will the CEO of Chevrordler please come forward? What...? What....? He had his flight canceled...? Screw him then, if he couldn't even get here on time!"

AND...did anybody watch to see if the Wall Street Crooks used their own jets? NOPE! They sure pulled off a slick one, didn't they?

So, here's MY bailout plan for Car makers:

Granted, they haven't been making autos that fit the needs of the country for a LONG time. That's why the roads are covered with Jap crap. But the Japs got it right, didn't they? Why can't America get it just as right?

Gee...remember those "Oil Companies" that have been showing "Record Profits" the last few quarters? Yeah....they have a vested interest in making sure nobody comes out with a series of autos that GET BETTER MILEAGE, don't they? Isn't it clear how far into bed the auto and oil industries actually are?

Good, you finally noticed. This leads to my plan....Let's pass a bill that sends the excess profits from the oil companies to the Automakers. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...BEFORE we pass that law, lets pass another that requires the oil companies to put up the needed bailout money for Detroit. Remember, they got to be Fat Cats at the expense of the country and its economy already, time for them to contribute BACK to the whole process. Oh, yeah...and while we are at it....

What the HELL is the deal? Refineries ALL have to be shut down for service at the same time of the year (Summer) every year...thus driving prices up? What kind of MORON in the White House allows this?!?!??! Oh yeah, he's an oilman.

NEXT... "Oh, there's a hurricane 600 miles away that has a 4% chance of hitting our refineries, Oil Price Must Be Raised Immediately!" ...HUH?!?!?!?!?!!?

Geez, then build larger reserves to prevent fluctuations you idiots! Oh yeah, you wouldnt be able to screw the rest of us for extra income otherwise.

Regulation is too good for oil companies. Yep, time to nationalize them in the best interest of the country. And the world.

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